Month June 2023

My First Car

My First car was a 1942 Ford Coupe. Black. Why that car? It was cheap. I was about 18 years old when I bought it from a guy who ran a body shop. I borrowed money from Marsh Foodliners grocery… Continue Reading →

Dino and the Impossibles

The following are memories from Emanuel Lianez by way of his son Cardo. A question answer format is typically what we do. What was the first band you were in? Ronny Coons could play the guitar and I could sing…. Continue Reading →

Gabriela Vargas (Fuentes)

Gabriela Fuentes was born in Mexico in 1899. She married Juan D. Vargas. Their daughter was Antonia (Toni) Fuentes who married Louis Lianez. She passed away in 1969 and is interred in Woodland Union Cemetery in Van Wert Ohio.

Getting started

Our posts will appear on the home page of the site based on descending recency — most recent top left, oldest bottom right. Best practices: You can always reach out to Cardo if you have any questions about using the… Continue Reading →

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