Author Cardo Lianez

Louie the law man

The newspaper clipping reads in part “These men first signed up for civil defense police work and, after the regular police examination, were admitted to the city reserve unit organized by Chief Kennedy.

John (Juan) D. Vargas

John (Juan) D. Vargas was born in Durango Mexico on March 22, 1882. He married Gabriela Puentes in 1920 when she was 21 years old. He was 38. He passed on August 26, 1949 and is interred in Woodland Union… Continue Reading →

Genaro Abjandro Yañez

Genaro Abjandro Yañez was born in 1896 in Mexico. He married Vincenta Orozco and had three children, Louis, Jhanata and Celsa. Vincenta returned to Mexico and Genaro remarried. According to his son Jouis J Lianez, Genero and his wife Vincenta… Continue Reading →

Louis kin

Louis had two sisters. Pictured on the left is Juana B Morno Lianez (Barrientos) and Celsa M Lianez (Gonzales). His mother Vincentia Lianez (Orozco) is seated center, his father Genaro Lianez (right) are pictured with Juana. Louis wrote on the… Continue Reading →

Young Louis

Louis goes to school

This photo is from Antonia Vargas’ year book from Hoaglin high school in the 1940s. Louis Lianez was likely older than his peers as his future wife (Antonia Vargas) is a junior at the same school. Given that this was… Continue Reading →

Louis & Antonia’s growing family

Gabriela Vargas (Puentes)

Gabriela Puentes was born in La Laja (or San Juan according to this document), Jalisco Mexico in 1893 (per this document) or 1899. She married Juan D. Vargas in 1920. Their daughter was Antonia Consuelo Vargas who married Louis Lianez…. Continue Reading →

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