Thomas (Tom) Lianez

Outside of of our Vine Street home. The street would regularly flood and we could float down the street on rafts our dad made

One of our many trips to the zoo. Louis, John and Tom Lianez. circa 1963

Our Cub Scout Troop from the neighborhood. My mom was our den mother. I can still name every neighborhood kid in this picture.

We were very active in the local Catholic Church, Saint Mary’s. This is my 1st communion, one of the first events in the new Saint Mary’s. The priest is Father Russel Gillig. Van Wert, Ohio 1966

A Christmas visit back to the Vine Street house during my junior year of college. I loved my Dad and learned so much from his love of family and his incredible work ethic. Van Wert, Ohio 1978

This is me a few months old. This was in the Vine Street house. I actually remember getting these baths and can recall my sister, Judy, standing by our one oil heater in a striped T-shirt and talking to my Mom.

This was our home on Vine Street in Van Wert before the addition. Mom and Dad managed to raise 5 kids in this small home and for years host a steady stream of teenage and college friends and most of our neighborhood. I remember that some of Dave and John’s friends coming home from the service would stop at our house even before their parents knew they were home. Our neighbors were constant visitors in our back yard for cookouts and bonfires. Most of all, every time a new Mexican family would come to town our home was one of their first stops. No one ever left hungry or empty handed.

This is Dino. My brother Emanuel (Deano) gave him to me as a gift when he left for the Navy. He was a wonderful addition to the family and was a part of a lot of family holidays and parties. He lived until my sophomore year in college. Van Wert, Ohio- circa 1965

My 8th grade graduation picture. It was a big deal and the first time I wore a jacket and tie. This meant a lot to me because I know my mother and father both worked extra hours to pay for it. Van Wert, Ohio 1970

My sophomore year at Bowling Green State University. My $300 VW “Bug”. I loved that car and it took me to Florida for Spring Break, Canada and up and down the East Coast for three years until the bottom fell out (literally). Bowling Green Ohio 1977

In 1986 I married the love of my life Elizabeth (Beth) Ann MacLaine in Zanesville, Ohio

Our first home in Zanesville, Ohio. We put a ton of work into a 100 year old home that had been empty for over a decade. We paid it off early and made numerous changes. We loved our neighbors and our back yard became a neighborhood gathering place for cookout and parties. We couldn’t have found a better place to raise our daughter. it was difficult to leave but eventually it was time to downsize. December, 2017

Our intelligent and beautiful daughter, Katie. We’re exceptionally proud of her and her accomplishments from her school years through her young professional life.

We have always loved family travel and vacations. Each one has been an opportunity to learn more about our world and the people and cultures of each country. This is from our trip to Hawaii to visit then Colonel Raul Lianez and his family. Honolulu, Hawaii, 2017